Hi! I am Jatin Sethi




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Who Am I ?

About Me

Hi there! I am a BTech student in Computer Science Engineering with a specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. As a student, I have always been fascinated by the power of technology to transform our world and I am determined to make a difference in this field. In addition to my studies, I have also taken on various initiatives and projects to develop my skills and gain real-world experience. I am a freelance developer, providing services to clients and helping them achieve their goals through technology. Additionally, I am also a Product Development Intern at Travis, where I work on cutting-edge projects and collaborate with a team of experts in the field. Through my experiences, I have honed my skills in machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, and natural language processing. I am passionate about using these skills to develop innovative solutions that solve real-world problems and make a positive impact on society. My ultimate goal is to become a leading expert in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and to use my skills and knowledge to help build a better future for us all. Thank you for visiting my website! I hope you find my work and experiences inspiring and look forward to connecting with you soon.

Best regards,
Jatin Sethi

What I Do ?

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Web Development

Help clients build and maintain their websites that meet clients specific needs using new Cutting edge technologies

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User Experience Design (UX)

Help clients create user-centered digital products that are intuitive and effective.

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Content Creation

Help Clients produce high-quality in writing,photography,
videography,and Design

Individual Counseling
Individual Counseling

Offer one-on-one counseling sessions to help to choose a Correct Path and help[ in drawing a Roadmap for their Problems

Product Development
Product Development

Help clients bring their ideas to life, using your skills in AI and machine learning to create innovative solutions.

Technical Writing
Technical Writing

Help clients communicate their ideas and solutions to a wider audience, including white papers and research articles.

Training and Workshops
Training and Workshops

Offer training and workshops on How we can Create,Innovate and Auotmate Everything using Pyhton and Machine learning.

Machine Learning Solutions
Machine Learning Solutions

Offer your expertise in developing custom machine learning models

Want to work with me?

Always feel Free to Contact & Hire me

What Think Client About Me ?

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The website looks amazing! It's exactly what I had in mind for my startup. The team really listened to my ideas and created a website that not only looks great but is also functional and easy to use.

Vivek Singh
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The team was great to work with, and they went above and beyond to make sure that the website was perfect. I would definitely recommend them to anyone who needs a website for their business.

Krishna Kumar Singh

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Internship at Barclays

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Stepping into Barclays for my summer internship was like entering a world of innovation. The RFT team's guidance and unity made learning about risk finance inspiring. Luxe perks.

From day one, the people at Barclays made it clear that this wasn’t just a workplace; it was a community. I was fortunate to be placed in the RFT (Risk Finance Treasury) team, under the guidance of the affable Subhasis Sir, my Line Manager. I was struck by their experience, humility, and camaraderie. These were individuals who not only excelled in their roles but also went out of their way to support and encourage newcomers like me. The warmth and unity I witnessed within the team assured me that I was in the right place.

From the very first day, I was mesmerized by the grandeur of the Infinity and Harmony buildings. The state-of-the-art infrastructure served as a constant reminder of the innovative spirit that Barclays embodies. I was privileged to be a part of such an environment that encourages growth and creativity.

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I ‘m-positive — I can

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